The boring quiz.

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There are many Fun (ish) people in this world and funner people. But there are also BORING people. This quiz will let you know if you are boring or not. If you score high, however, I strongly recommend that you funner up a bit and that you take my "How much of a nerd are you?" Quiz.

There are many Fun (ish) people in this world and funner people. But there are also BORING people. This quiz will let you know if you are boring or not. If you score high, however, I strongly recommend that you funner up a bit and that you take my "How much of a nerd are you?" Quiz.M

Created by: 070085915
  1. This is a quiz of boring facts! Who won the war of 1812-14?
  2. What percentage of all hockey players are Canadian?
  3. What was the first Black baseball players number?
  4. Which company came first Blackberry or Sony?
  5. We put the ring on the ring finger because it's what we have been doing for centuries now.
  6. Which country is bigger?
  7. Israel is the same size as Toronto to Montreal.
  8. Israel is the same size as Toronto to Montreal.
  9. Did you take my how much of a nerd are you?
  10. Was this quiz boring (N/A)

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