The Best Quiz, take at your peril

Have you heard of Artemis in Greek mythology? What if she was real and had a group of hunters with her? Would you want to be one of her hunters? Do you want a more interesting life?

Are you worthy to join Artemis's hunters? Would you like that lifestyle? What if she brought you to a different world? Would you like that? Could you leave this one?

Created by: takethispoll
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like your life?
  2. Do you like to hike?
  3. Which of these would you rather do in your life or you already want to do?
  4. Do you hate rain?
  5. Do you like nature?
  6. Do you like archery?
  7. Would you be okay with going into a fight?
  8. Which of the following is you?
  9. Do you complain a lot, be honest.
  10. What would you rather do?

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Quiz topic: The Best Quiz, take at my peril