The animal quiz

Many people take this quiz, but few survive and make it to the top. Before you take the quiz, study a lot and make sure you learn lots because this quiz is challenging. Do your very best and have fun!

Can YOU survive my quiz and get 100% correct? Give it a go! Good luck, mate! I hope you enjoy this quiz while you take it. I made hard, but not to hard. I think you will do quite well if you are an animal fan. Good luck, mate!

Created by: Tasha of the-tasha-site
(your link here more info)
  1. What is possibly the most endangered reptile in Australia?
  2. What place is new at Australia zoo?
  3. Can blind chamelions still change colour to match their envierment?
  4. What is the most endangered mammal in Australia?
  5. What in the following do Koalas do?
  6. What is my favourite animal?
  7. Do Koalas have pouches?
  8. What animal has been told to steal and eat babies?
  9. What year did the law of no hunting crocs come in?
  10. Wich is a feral animal?

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