Test your personality!

well do you want to test your iq come syraight away cause many quest are finding you genius i'm sure you can do itwell i know you are great cause i tried the test and got the low marks i beleive you can do it if you beleive you canby checking out the quiz i prepared.

well why do you want to be a genius ? because you are talented if you are great people will start caming to find the quiz thta the genuis had answered good luck but just one more thing remember you are a saver in quizzes perm machine head great!

Created by: lele
  1. you fell out with your friend......
  2. you were being bullied......
  3. you were being scolded by your subject tacher......
  4. you saw a guy whom is extremly charming......
  5. a nerd has a crush on you......
  6. this boy is very crazy about you but you don't feel anything for him ......
  7. yuo saw your friend fall but you just walked away......
  8. you cut yourself and bled profusely
  9. you tripped
  10. you saw a old friend

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Quiz topic: Test my personality!