Test Your Metalhead IQ

How large is your metal hemisphere, did you know that theres a section of the brain devoted to headbanging and other metal related activities? well there isn't...

be ready to test your metal knowledge in a series of questions from Metallica to Sepultra, even though Sepultra is like some crazy screemo s--- but there still from the 90's so shut up...

Created by: Cholo

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who are the BIG 4?
  2. What was the nickname of Pantera lead guitarist Darrel Abbot?
  3. Who came first, Pantera or Megadeth?
  4. Who invented the devil's horns? \m/
  5. What is the Anthrax named after?
  6. What is Pantera named after?
  7. How many bass players has Metallica had?
  8. Have i just realized that i picked the wrong type of quiz?
  9. How metal is your daily life?
  10. What is Slayers most metal song ever?
  11. What is the name of Iron Maidens mascot?
  12. Does Slayer still have all of its original members?
  13. What about Megadeth?
  14. Do i know how to spell rediculus?

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Quiz topic: Test my Metalhead IQ