Test Your Knowledge On The Buff Orpington Chicken

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Welcome! Thanks for clicking on this quiz. Today you will be learning (and/or testing your knowledge) on the Buff Orpington chicken breed. Nervous? Don't worry. It's just a quiz.

By taking this quiz, you might learn some things you never new before! Chickens are awesome, you see. There is no other animal like a chicken. They aren't "bird brained" either.

Created by: Jessa of TheChucklingChicken
(your link here more info)
  1. Buff Orpington's are more on the fluffy side.
  2. There are more Orpington colors, other than the color "buff".
  3. The Buff Orpington is not a very popular breed.
  4. Buff Orpington's have feathered feet.
  5. Buff Orpington's have rose combs.
  6. The Buff Orpington breed lays white eggs
  7. Buff Orpington's are flighty and sometimes called "Scaredy Cats".
  8. The color of a Buff Orpington is:
  9. Buff Orpington's are sometimes called
  10. Buff Orpington's are considered rare.

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Quiz topic: Test my Knowledge On The Buff Orpington Chicken
