test if u survive the zombie acapalyse

"There are many smart people, but few true geniuses, genius people survive more and kill more zombies and live off the land and they know have to fight and kill the zombies.

if you are a super genius you will survive more because you can make traps and get supplies and shelter quicker and if you are not a genius you might have a hard time.

Created by: yesenia
  1. what is your age?
  2. how fast can you run?
  3. where will u go to get shelter and medicine?
  4. if you are in some place safe and you see a little girl and her brothers and sisters being atacked by zombies what would you do?
  5. who would you save?
  6. what is your gender?
  7. which weapon do you think would you use for killing zombies?
  8. What will you do if someone helps you and they let you come with them and they dont know that you got bitten and then u turn into a zombie?
  9. if one of your family members gets bitten and turns into a zombie would you kill them?
  10. if you were in a closet and you only have one gun with six bullets and one bat witch one will u use first?

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