Take This Quiz To See If You Were Naughty Or Nice This Year.

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Are you naughty or nice? Will you get a present this year? This quiz allows you to know what I think you are depending on how to answer the questions.

Please be honest because if you aren't, the test results aren't going to come out properly. Remember, you are taking this quiz to see if you are naughty or nice. SO BE HONEST!!!!

Created by: Jimin Kim
  1. First of all, what is your age?
  2. Do you get along with your sibling?
  3. Do you do all of your chores and responsibilities?
  4. Do you eat everything that your parents give you?
  5. Do you believe in Santa?
  6. What do you want for Christmas?
  7. Are you planning to set a trap for Santa?
  8. Did you study for your recent test or exam at school?
  9. How much do you exercise?
  10. Do you think you're naughty or nice?
  11. What do you do most of the weekends?

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