Tag: Metallica
- Which Metallica Member Are YOU?
- Jan 6, '12
- by Chloe
Are you Every Wandering Which Metallica Member You Are Most Like, Well Stop Wandering Because This Quiz Can Help You Find Out…
- Metallica Lyrics Quiz
- Jan 9, '12
- by Chloe
There Are Many, And I Mean MANY Metallica Songs Out There And Only Very Few People Know All The Lyrics, If You Want To Test…
- How well do you know MetallicA's songs?
- May 11, '12
- by Cheryle
As a MetallicA fan have you ever been listening to one of their songs and gone, 'what does he say in that part and who said…
- What does your favorite Metallica song say about you?
- Jun 20, '08
- by Tricia
Metallica, one of the original metal bands. The band has had so much success around the world, that to this day they are still…
- Metallica Lyric Quiz
- Aug 23, '13
- by Metallica Guurl
Do you know the lyrics to Metallica's songs? Well if you think you do then take this quiz!!! Please Rate or comment!Thanks for…
- Which Metallica song is that?
- Oct 27, '09
- by cheryle
There are many Metallica fans in the world but do they all know the lyrics to each song. Test your metalliknowledge and see…
- How well do you know Metallica?
- Apr 23, '11
- by Lisa Jones
Lots of people claim they are Metallica's biggest ever fan and I created this quiz so you can find out whether you are or not.…
- Guess The Metallica Song
- May 19, '12
- by Dorota
There are many people who know parts of Metallica songs but only few true fans, who know all the lyrics!. They…
- How well do you know Metallica?
- May 15, '09
- by ????
This quiz is all about Metallica, their best songs, their lead singer, guitarist, etc. Eh, whatever, I created this quiz in the…
- The Metallica Quiz
- Feb 9, '08
- by Russ_Submerged
Many people claim to like Metallica. Many more claim to love them. Then there are the folk who almost reach 'nerd' status in…
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