Swiff's Divine Dyme Quiz

Ya boi Swiffy Mayne is lookin for a double D gurl. Haha Im not talkin about breast size, I mean I wanna see if you have what it takes to be my divine dyme. Answer all questions honestly please and you cant call me for the answers.

Ya boi Swiff may have been single for way too long and maybe lookin for a girl. Not a bottom b*tch, not a lover, and not a sex buddy, but a divine dyme. This quiz will test that out. Answer all questions honestly please and you cant call me for the answers.

Created by: Corwin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is my overall goal in life?
  2. If I was at your house feelin hungry what would you do?
  3. What's the best part of me that I have been blessed with?
  4. You wanna spend time with me one night but I say I gotta home and do somethin. What would you do?
  5. What is my middle name?
  6. If you were at my house for a day, which one of these would you suggest to do with you?
  7. Be honest.. how much time do you spend on myspace daily?
  8. Im into my talent 24/7/365.. what would you do out of these choices.
  9. What would you do if a girl saw that we were together and tried to steal me away from you?
  10. This is not a shallow question but whats your body type?

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