Steam Trains Quiz

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Think you know about steam engines? Come Test your knowledge here. In This quiz about steam trains Will tell you if you do Know about steam trains and if you should brush up on them.

When I said ''Brush up on steam trains'' i didn't mean for you to stand next to one as it passes. Only to brush up as in learn about them in books and things.

Created by: JAMES7

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the name of the first locomotive?
  2. What is the name of the fastest steam engine?
  3. How fast can the fastest steam engine go?
  4. How steep can an engine go before the wheels slip?
  5. Why did the fastest steam engine stop accelerating at 128 miles an hour?
  6. To know an engines power all that counts is driving wheels.
  7. Weight of an engine per wheel determines the grip.
  8. Do the answers from the last two questions intertwine?
  9. Shunting engines don't pull trains on the main line.
  10. Shunting engines that don't have pistons on the outside don't have pistons at all.

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