star wars what bounty hunter are you

There are many different types of bounty hunters. Like boba, dengar, 4 LOM, bossk, or ig88. You will be asked some questions to find out what bounty hunter.

What bounty hunter are you. Boba fett, dengar, bossk, ig88, or 4 LOM. Well you will find out if you click on this quiz. Have you ever wondered what bounty hunter you would be.

Created by: Admiral groleo
  1. Which of the following applie to you in catching bounty
  2. How do you like to kill
  3. which applies to you
  4. Weapon of choice
  5. Method of killing
  6. Gadget of choice
  7. Which applies to you
  8. What is your attitude
  9. Which applies to you
  10. What applies to you

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Quiz topic: Star wars what bounty hunter am I