Star Wars Quiz

Do you like Star Wars? Have you seen the films? Well come and do this quiz. This quiz involves you seeing the Clone Wars and Episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 . From the creator of this quiz Star Wars master?

How many death stars were completed ( do not include episode 7,8 or above)?

Created by: star wars master
  1. Who was the sith lord in the phantom menace?
  2. what was the name of the bird like creature found on tattoine
  3. what was the count's real name in episode 2 attack of the clones
  4. did the darth maul die in episode 1 or 2
  5. there was a battle between obi-wan and Anakin in episode three revenge of the sith. what planet was it on?
  6. general grevious was KILLED by what.?
  7. obi-wan was also known as who
  8. yoda was re/introduced in which episode
  9. what was name of the bear like creatures on endor?
  10. How many death stars were completed ( do not include episode 7,8 or above)

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