So you think you know T-Way? Let's find out...

Welcome to the 'So You Think You Know T-Way?' Quiz. This test consists of 10 multiple choice questions on T-Way. Do you have what it takes to score the highest and brag that you know T-Way the best? Good luck and even if you score poorly, I still think you rock. So no pressure =)

Are YOU a genius? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: T-Way

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When is my birthday?
  2. What is my favorite band?
  3. What highschool did I attend and what college am I attending?
  4. Where do I work?
  5. Who is the love of my life?
  6. What is my status on Guitar Hero?
  7. If I was in a band, what position would I hold?
  8. Who is my favorite comedian?
  9. How many siblings do I have?
  10. What song do I want playing at my funeral as I am being put into the ground?

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