So you think you know me?

Lets see how well you know me! There is only so much you can ever really know about your friends. But do you know enough to warrent you as a good friend?

Only takes a few minutes! Simply pick from multiple answers, to findout how well you know me. The questions arnt hard, not if you know the answers at least!

Created by: barbie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my middle name?
  2. What is my sister's name?
  3. Where is my tattoo?
  4. What am i studying?
  5. What's my worst habit?
  6. How many shoes do i own
  7. Who do i fancy most?
  8. What car do i have?
  9. Where do i live?
  10. What is my fave music?

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