So you think you can spell

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So, you think you can spell? Please remember these spellings are 'English' versions of spellings, not American English. Some of these words are the most commonly misspelled words in the English language, and you probably know them well. However, it's not until you have to choose, with some alternatives thrown in, that you falter... Have a go (without cheating).

Are you a lexophile? A lover of words? Are you a good speller? Have a go at this quiz and let's see how you fair when you have multiple choice options. Good luck!

Created by: Dozy Deb

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which is the correct spelling?
  2. Which is the correct spelling?
  3. Which is the correct spelling?
  4. Which is the correct spelling?
  5. Which is the correct spelling?
  6. Which is the correct spelling?
  7. Which is the correct spelling?
  8. Which is the correct spelling?
  9. which is the correct spelling?
  10. Which is the correct spelling?
  11. Which is the correct spelling?
  12. Which is the correct spelling?

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