So you don't know what anime to watch next?

One Saturday after just finishing a 150 episode anime, I discovered something shocking. I HAD NOTHING MORE TO WATCH :O! I know, shocking...BUT, lucky for you I made this test to make sure others don't find themselves in the same position.

Have you just finished an anime and are now suffering from withdrawal symptoms? WELL NEVER FEAR FOR THIS TEST IS NOW HERE. Take this test to find what your new favourite anime will now be.

Created by: FinnsHere
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you prefer...
  2. Genre?
  3. Character?
  4. Plot?
  5. Length of episodes?
  6. Setting?
  7. Release Date?
  8. Age and Gender of Main Character?
  9. Personality of Main Character?
  10. Type of Animation?
  11. Manga?

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