Smurfiously Shouts Out!

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Ok, this site is making me mad. Please try tothink of something origanal to say in paragraph 1! Just Breifly describe your quiz. ROAR! Expert from Jud

Blah blah blah.hey I just met is crazy but here's my number so call me maybeall the other boys try to chase me but here's my number to call me maybe man!

Created by: Smurfiously
  1. Who would like to thank Craig Johnson?
  2. Who else do I want to thank?
  3. To BTRfreak I give...
  4. What proved dogsbuddy to be a friend?
  5. Pick the best person.
  6. Please don't hesitate to ask for a couple of months in your old home.
  7. Funtime66 is
  8. Pick the last one for the shoutout member's sake.
  9. I am not going to be a obssed with my idea to get ready to get the most parts of the King of the King of the King of the King of the King of the King of the King of the King of 7. ......
  10. Now,,,,

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