Situations and Solutions

There are many good problem solvers, but few are true problem solvers. Problem solver is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a problem solver? A problem solver is someone who has an extraordinarily clever mind, is able to solve complex problems, and have a lot of COMMON SENSE!

Are YOU a problem solver? Do you have the brains to qualify for that prestigious title?Until now, you can only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Rachel Brown
  1. You are having a barbecue in your backyard and a little child yells from across the yard, "HEY!!!! TROW ME THE KNIFE WITH YOU EYES CLOSED" what do you do
  2. Two people like you. What do you do.
  3. You have all of the previous problems that you have had in your lifetime, plus the ones you have now, and the ones that you will have in the future. What do you do?
  4. you find a baby outside your door step.
  5. You get something you hate for a present.
  6. You fall out of a tree and get a concusion
  7. You get a 100% average on your report card for the whole year.
  8. You are about to die
  9. you have school
  10. you have x tra homework
  11. A three year old is hacking a butcher knife at you.

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