singsnap addict?

do you have a snap addiction take the quiz and see just how addicted you are.. unless you too busy singsnaping to take a min away? then you already know your addicted..

does it rule your life or you have everything all under control?? take the quiz what are you waiting for?? do you need to get a life..find reality again and throw away that pail you pee in while your on the computer...

Created by: ann
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how many hours are you on singsnap a day?
  2. you rush home and speed just to get on your computer to come to singsnap to check your comments
  3. you eat dinner at the computer while singsnapping?
  4. while on holidays with your family..your still snaeakn on singsnap to sing
  5. have you ever fallen asleep while on singsnap?
  6. how many songs do you sing a day on singsnap?
  7. could you go a day without being on singsnap?
  8. when your sick as a dog you still find the strength to come online?
  9. does singsnap effect your house cleaning
  10. you totally freak out, have a fit and got mad when singsnap has errors or you cannot get into the site?

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