Simple maths test age 8

There are many smart people. But are you a smart person who can pass this maths quiz? Why not give it a go and test your maths knowledge and skills. What have you got to lose?

This is a simple and easy maths quiz for ages 8 or over. It is a quiz designed to test ability and help those who may struggle with maths to practise without it seeming to hard of a quiz.

Created by: Kate
  1. Which of the following are all even numbers...
  2. Which numbers are odd
  3. the number 2 is...
  4. The number 7 is...
  5. 4 and 6 are....
  6. 3 and 5 are...
  7. What is 10 + 10
  8. What is 10 - 5
  9. 10 + 6 = ?
  10. 12 - 2 =
  11. 4 + 4 = ?
  12. How many days are there in a week?
  13. 3 - 3 = ?
  14. 6 - 3 = ?
  15. How many weeks are there in a month?
  16. If today is Monday, tomorrow must be..
  17. If yesterday was Friday, then today must be..
  18. 5 + 0 = ?
  19. 7 - 0 =?
  20. Jill has 2 sweets. Shelley has 2 sweets and Billy has 1 sweets. How many sweets altogether?
  21. 6 - 4 = ?

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