Should you get a bunny?

This is too see if you should get a rabbit. Rabbits don’t belong in cages, and deserve just as much care as dogs. This quiz will help you ensure you’re ready for such a big responsibility.

I hope you enjoy this quiz. I hope it helps you in making a decision, and helps you care for your rabbit. I know I took a lot of quizzes to make sure I was doing everything right.

Created by: Grace
  1. It’s a hot day out. Do you spray your bunny’s ears?
  2. You bunny suddenly stops eating. Do you take them to the vet?
  3. I have a party to go to, but my bunny has been neglected lately. Do you go to the party?
  4. My bunny is chewing. Should I keep her in a cage?
  5. Your dad wants to bring home a new dog. Will you let him?
  6. Will you groom your bunny?
  7. Will I feed my bunny hay?
  8. Can I feed my bunny dandelions?
  9. I’m going away for the night. Do I leave my bunny at home with plenty of food?
  10. I’m going away for two weeks. Do I take my bunny on the plane?

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Quiz topic: Should I get a bunny?
