How well do u know ur rabbit breeds

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Click on the answer you think is correct when you are done submit your quiz and check your grade bye ✋ bunny rabbits cute ears feet nose amazing xoxo 💋

Try your best and most of all have fun learning new things about rabbits 🐇 hope this quiz makes you want a rabbit even more.xoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Created by: Mia
  1. Which rabbit has floppy ears is ok with children and is very popular
  2. Which of these bunny breeds was the cutest bunny in the world
  3. Which of these bunny breeds is black and white
  4. Which of these bunnies is the best with children
  5. Which of these bunnies is the smallest
  6. Which of these bunnies does not exist
  7. What is not essential in a bunnies litter box
  8. What do rabbits mostly like to chew
  9. What can rabbits not eat to much of
  10. What is the average lifespan of a domestic bunny

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