Should You Enter The Army?

i dont really feel like doing this paragraph so i will talk about nothing. nothing is a very...blank. it's just nothing i mean how boring is that? lala im bored haha im tired i think ill go to sleep

Could you possibly join the army? Do you have what it takes\? Normally, it would be a trial and error process, but now it won't be. Take this quiz and you'll kmow whether or not you're capable.

Created by: bob

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Have you ever dreamt of killing someone?
  2. Have you ever considered joining the military?
  3. Have you ever killed anyone?
  4. Do you play war games or watch war movies?
  5. Airforce, Navy, Army, or Marines?
  6. Has anyone close to you entered the army?
  7. Has anyone close to you died serving in the army?
  8. Lalalalala now I'm bored so...
  9. The sky's blue.
  10. Do you have a conseious?

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Quiz topic: Should I Enter The Army?