Should you date him?

Everyone loves at least one person in their life, but sometimes your really not at all sure whether to ask the guy you like. (girls only!)

Well then, if you don't know whether to ask him out or not, take this quiz! Just remember not to take this quiz too seriously, its just some fun!!!!

Created by: betwep
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you enjoy doing most....
  2. How often do you shower?
  3. How often do you talk?
  4. He drops his books... you...
  5. canureadthiscausesomepeoplecansomepplcantsojustthinkaboutheansweryouput.
  6. He's ill, you....
  7. he tells you a LAME joke you....
  8. When your alone together he...
  9. best gift would be...
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Should I date him?