Should you become bbw/ssbbw

This quiz might not be totally, totally accurate but I think I did pretty well for a first quiz! Tell me in the comments what you got and if it was right!

If you got an answer you don’t like, that’s fine it’s just a test online if you are upset with your answer you can gain/not gain weight it’s just my opinion

Created by: Bbw4life
  1. Imagine this, you wake up when it’s late and you go on the scale and you see you have gained 20 pounds! How do you react
  2. Imagine this, you are in a Wendy’s just eating some food and someone comes up to you and puts more food in front of you while reaching for your belly, what do u do
  3. Imagine this, your SO what’s you to gain weight and become 400 pounds, what do u do
  4. Imagine this, you wake up and you gained 100lbs overnight what do you do with this
  5. Imagine this, you walk in the mirror and see a big belly with huge thighs, what do u do
  6. Do you think you want to become a bbw/ssbbw
  7. Do you like fatty foods
  8. What do you think you will get on the quiz?
  9. Would you like a SO that would feed you all day
  10. Do you like the idea of become ssbbw/bbw

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Quiz topic: Should I become bbw/ssbbw

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