She-cat Warriors life quiz(the best one!)

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Okay, so this is a quiz to find out your warrior life! You have to: Have Read Warriors Understands It Warriors FANATIC Is a she-cat Knows how amazing my quizzes are

Ha ha ha he he he hi hi hi ho ho ho hu hu hu ha okay why are you still here reading all of my ha ha ha ha's? You should be taking the quiz! TAKE IT ! Now!

Created by: Rygel
  1. Hi. What clan are you in?
  2. Okay. Who is your mate?
  3. Allright. Time for RP! You are a kit. You don't want to be woken up, but you are. Why?
  4. You have just become an apprentice. Your mentor is...?
  5. Your favorite season has come! What season is it?
  6. You are a warrior! You want the last part of your name to be....?
  7. You are faced with two decisions. Foxes are chasing you, and they have cornered you on a cliff. You can jump into the lake below, or you can fight. You....
  8. You have had three kits! You name them..
  9. Their warrior names are exactly what you hoped! The names are..?
  10. Bye peeps!

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