Send a letter to my OC Raven the Skywing WoF

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Hello there Fanwings! It’s LilyDragonPop! This is my Skywing OC, Raven! There might be a Skywing named Raven in the books but, OMG I love that name so I’m stealing it! Sorry Tui! (Please rate and comment! 😉)

So send a letter to Raven and see what she thinks of you! Maybe she hates you or likes you! And watch out for one of my new quizzes, “The Ultimate Marvel Trivia!”

Created by: LilyDragonPop
  1. First, what paper will you use?
  2. Second, how would you start your letter?
  3. Third, what would your first sentence be?
  4. Fourth, what would you body paragraph be?
  5. Fifth, what would your ending sentence be?
  6. Sixth, how would you end your letter?
  7. Seventh, any P.S.?
  8. Eight, what envelope would you use?
  9. Ninth, what would be on your stamp?
  10. Tenth, any gift?
  11. Eleventh, how would you send your letter?
  12. Twelfth, did you like this quiz? (No effect on results)

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