Seaside Reptile Trivia

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oh hello. nice to see you. this is a quiz made by humans for humans to test how much of a lizard lover you are and if you really rate those reptiles...

hoppee youre having a good evening. u made out of water? us too. Got a skincare routine? Same here. Can't see in the dark? These are problems all humans face

Created by: Not a Reptile
  1. What is my favourite colour?
  2. What year was Eggwin first synthesised?
  3. How often does the smallest seaside reptile shed its skin?
  4. What is the wingspan of 'Judus Judia' ?
  5. Where can you find the residential poltergeist?
  6. What characteristics define a 'Seaside Reptile'?
  7. How long does the watcher watch ?
  8. Who yields to the sea?
  9. How often do you watch Downton Abbey?
  10. Do you like Downton Abbey?

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