Saw 4 Quiz/trivia

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This is my saw quiz ive made for the poeple who think they know all there is to do with saw. well this is hard in some bits and easy in others. but if your a real saw fan then you should get 100% What Are you waiting for... GO! GO! GO!

Created by: Saw
  1. what changes with amanda and john in the movies
  2. How many people did we see die in saw 3?
  3. Finish Off this senence... you are being tested, your will is being tested ___________________.
  4. which saw movie is this from? "those who dont appreciate life do not deserve life"
  5. in saw 3, in the bathroom flashback scene. which song is being played?
  6. whats jeffs son called?
  7. in saw 4... what is that chair doing?
  8. what is my (iwanaplayagame) signiture on the forums?
  9. do i (iwanaplayagame) think dr gordons alive?
  10. whats johns wife called?
  11. in the saw 1 commentry.. when jigsaw walks out leigh says "does lawrence survive? _______________"
  12. what does jigsaw say is amandas weakness?
  13. what kills adam?
  14. in saw 1, jigsaw is there while the game is being played... who elses trap is jigsaw there?
  15. what type of cancer has john got?
  16. how did tapp and sing die (if were presuming that they are both dead)
  17. last question. out these quites in order starting saw1 then saw2 then saw 3 then 4. (1) "i seleted you of the honor of..." (2) "who the f--- is jigsaw?" (3) "ill kill you ya mother f.ucker" (4) "you will release the legs restraints,,"

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