Sacraments of Initiation: Confirmation

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In this quiz, you will be learning and studying about the third sacrament of Initiation, which is Confirmation. Please study thoroughly before taking this test. Pray to Jesus!

In this quiz, you will be learning and studying about the third sacrament of Initiation, which is Confirmation. Please study thoroughly before taking this test. Pray to Mary

Created by: Chelsea
  1. Confirmation perfects the grace received at ______
  2. We are strengthened by _____.
  3. Confirmed Catholics have a greater obligation to _____ the Church & its teachings
  4. What is the "Matter" of Confirmation?
  5. What is the "Form" of Confirmation?
  6. We become more fully children of God
  7. Gives the ______ to _____ _____ and defend the faith
  8. They also strengthen the 12 Fruits and the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
  9. Confirmed Catholics are people of Christ.
  10. Confirmed adults have to be examples of Christ.
  11. Which Chapter in Isaiah the following?: The spirit of the Lord shall rest on him,the spirit of wisdom and understanding,the spirit of counsel and might,the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.

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