ROFL Reviews Zombie Survival Quiz

This is a quiz that will judge how well you will do when the zombie apocalypse comes around. Most of the questions are situational, but some of them are based on how strong you are. See if you can survive! This quiz was created by ROFL Reviews. Please visit our website for more lulz!

Can you survive the madness? Can you make all the right choices? Will you make it out with flying colors, die within a matter of hours. Find out in this quiz! This quiz was created by ROFL Reviews. Please visit our website for more lulz!

Created by: RoflreviewsWebmaster
  1. You are watching your favorite show on T.V when an emergency Public Service Announcement interrupts your show and says that zombies have taken over. What do you do first?
  2. You are preparing to leave your house to go somewhere safer. How much do you take with you?
  3. You decide to search for other survivors, so that you can band together with each other. How many do you seek out?
  4. You're looking for food, when you see a severely injured woman lying on the ground. What do you do?
  5. After the previous leader is killed by zombies, you are named the leader of a medium-sized group of survivors. What do you decide to do?
  6. How heavy of weights can you lift?
  7. You see your best friend and a family member both getting torn apart, limb by limb. What do you do?
  8. You are holding out a small store by yourself, when you see a large group of zombies heading right for the door. What do you do?
  9. You break into a gun store and find the owner sitting behind the counter with a shotgun. He tells you to leave, as he pumps his shotgun and points it at you. What do you do?
  10. You find an abandoned armory filled with guns of all sorts. What do you take?
  11. You leave your gun with a friend and go to find food, nearby. Suddenly, you spot a zombie that is watching you. What do you do?
  12. How fast/far can you run?
  13. Can you operate a car?
  14. Can you operate a boat?
  15. Can you operate a small aircraft?
  16. Do you practice any form of martial arts, or anything LIKE martial arts?
  17. A zombie is running at you. What do you do?
  18. Can you be a good leader?

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