Responsibility Quiz

There are lots of people who are smart.But what is smart.Smart is to think and use your point of view to answer whatever you have to answer.Thats what smart is

Are you smart.Do you use all the brainpower that you have. If you do then you're smart. If you don't then you should. it will increase your IQ.Just try it

Created by: Diego
  1. When you come to class you should come empty handed.
  2. When the teacher is talking you should whisper with your friends
  3. When you take notes you should throw them in the trash right afterwards
  4. If you're confused you should ask questions
  5. your notes should be neat and re-written
  6. you should have a schedule for your school work
  7. You should procrastinate
  8. you should study the night before a quiz
  9. you should lie to your teacher when you get in trouble
  10. when you are getting bad grades you should ask your teacher for help
  11. you should always eat burgers and fries for lunch
  12. picking a job you hate is a good thing
  13. you should go into a car that you don't know
  14. when coming to class you should come with a good attitude
  15. you should exercise daily.

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