Rebeccas Quiz!!!

There aren't many Bekkified people out there. Well afterall not many people know me... but if you do this is the quiz for you! It has a lot of stuff that you should catch me talking about... if you are really Bekkified!

Are you Bekkified? Do you have what it takes to take this easy (if you know me) quiz? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this Bekki quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Bekki
  1. What is my middle name?
  2. What is my Favorite color?
  3. What is my favorite food?
  4. What is my Favorite animal?
  5. What do I want to do after high school?
  6. What is my goal and dream in life?
  7. What is my sister and brothers name?
  8. What kind of car do I want one day?
  9. What is my religion?
  10. Who is my long time best friend in the whole wide world?

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