Random Trivia lol

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Trivia from my ADHD brain. Enjoy. Why do I need 150 characters? It's not like anyone actually reads this stuff. yuwxuybwuebxeuybuwbeuybubdeuewbubuebbc


Created by: I'm Tired
  1. The bird with the longest wingspan in the world is...
  2. Greenland belongs to which country?
  3. When did the Titanic sink?
  4. How many toes does the average guinea pig have?
  5. What is a group of ravens called?
  6. How many recognised countries are there in Africa?
  7. Which was invented first?
  8. What is the symbol for silver in the periodic table of elements?
  9. What is the star sign between September 23rd and October 22?
  10. English is a ___ language.
  11. Finish the quote (for cultured people only): "Now run, run away from the boys in the blue. Oh, my car smells like ___."
  12. Which of the following is not true?

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