rabid snowman at night

This quiz is quite easy, but if you laugh or cry to much, you might get confused and fail this quiz entirely. But, yes there is a buTT, I believe you really show great potential. Okay, I know, I'm totally lying too your face. HA HA HA!!!!

Are YOU a genius ( Most likely not)? Do you have the brainpower to actually be known for your thoughts and not your mistakes? Until now, only your MOMMA thought you were smart. But thanks to this great quiz, now you know that MNNVD BFDCVD means MNNVD BFDCVD!

Created by: Daniel

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. It is 1:00 at night and your walking home in the freezing cold contemplating death, when Holy Crap!! A rabid snowman throws a snowball at you!(Talk about personal) What do you do?
  2. Well, you got away but your scared and can't think clearly, so you...
  3. You get a taxi and climb in but suddenly, the driver locks the doors and your stuck inside! What can you do?
  4. The driver pummels the gas pedal and flys down the street and a few agonizing minutes later, he slows down. Looking out the window, you find that where you are is quite familiar. Where are you?
  5. The driver turns around laughing cruelly and demands money $$$$$$! So you...
  6. The driver pulls off his mask-- It's a Mask!?-- and you gasp! Who is it?
  7. Your totally scared and embarrassed, so you decide to?
  8. The next morning you wake up and wipe your sweaty forehead and think to yourself...
  9. You get up and stumble around and...
  10. Now the darn doorbell chimes, so you drop the phone and yank open the door and...
  11. Uh Oh!!!!!!!!!! Zombie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. You manage to kill it and it collapses to the ground in one last "AAURGGGRGRGRGAAAAHHHHHHH! So then you....
  13. Now your fricken scared and you leap over it's body and race down the street screaming your head off! You run around a corner and you...
  15. You meet a Police Officer as you run around and he stops you. What does he do?
  16. You steal a car and drive away with it and decide to turn on the radio. What song is on?
  17. You turn off the radio and see a red octangular sign with STOP in white letters in the middle. What do you do?
  18. Oh no! you come to a traffic intersection and the red light is flashing. What does it mean?
  19. Cautiosly, you step out of the car and.................. Get Creamed By A Falling ANGEL! Now what?!?
  20. Before you knew it (You knew this was coming, you saw this question undernearth the last one.), you get in the midst of a drive-by shooting. What do you do, you fricken Genius?
  21. This is the last day on Earth (For you it is. For everyone else it is 7 days away on January 1st, 2012!). What do you do?
  22. When was Obama born?
  23. Will the Maple Leafs EVER win the Stanley Cup?
  24. Finish this sentence:"He's 48 years old, never_________________________?"
  25. Finish THIS sentence:"Holy_________!"
  26. Okay, okay, so you survived the shooting, Whoopdydoo! But what do you do now?
  27. The phone rings and you answer it. Who could it be??????OOOGA?

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