R u smarter than an inanimate object?

You are taking the stpid test you are stupid automaticly because i control what the quiz says i win u lose hahahahah im still winning but then of course you could be offended about what i have sed. dont im just bored now

R u smarter than inanimate object i think u ARN'T but its ok take the test and find out...take the test.. now...stop reading ignore the following words... u read the punctuation you infedel

Created by: Mike
  1. Whats a problem in our society to day?
  2. Skittles (what do you think of?)
  3. If you could bring one thing to a deserted island, wat would it be?
  4. If you could do anything you eanted, wat would it be?
  5. is mcdonalds bad for u?
  6. Are blondes stupid?
  7. how long can a human go with out hydration?
  8. wat would hurt more mentaly?
  9. do u no how to read?
  10. how does a tv make a picure on the screen?

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