QuiZ aBouT MeH!

Dere r many smart ppl, but few true geniuses. Genius is, afterall, quite exceptional. Wats a genius? A genius is some1 who has an extraordinarily clever mind, is able 2 solve complex problems, n KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT ME!(jk...lol)

Are YOU a genius? Do you really KNOW ME? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out! (sry, im kinda lazy, so most of the words are copied from the examples:P)

Created by: JeSsIcAo_O

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. 我的綽號是?
  2. 阿嬤家的電腦中我的帳戶登入密碼有幾字?
  3. 平日起床時間?
  4. 絕不聽哪種音樂?
  5. 隨身聽裡最多誰的歌?
  6. 曾經擁有的夢想?
  7. 關於酪梨的敘述何者錯誤?
  8. 從來沒有...
  9. 學校社團?
  10. 星座是?
  11. 電腦不會用來...?
  12. 最近不知為什麼就是很想帥氣地說...?
  13. 喜歡的顏色?
  14. 從沒學過的語言?
  15. 最常喝甚麼牌的咖啡?
  16. 我家樓下的便利商店是?
  17. 看的第一本漫畫是?
  18. 曾經為了自然報告努力養/觀察...?
  19. 目前擁有電郵地址數?
  20. 噢不...我快沒梗了XD 早上起來第一件事是?

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