Pythia Recherche Arcane Seminary

Hello and welcome. If you have made it this far you have either conned your way in or have made your way in via connection or some other types of means. Well done. Pythia Seminary one of the most prestigious secondary schools in Madita

This test will place you in a particular dorm or house. Those around you will be how you define yourself for the next four years as we begin to develop your magical prowess. I hope you farewell

Created by: Mack Williams
  1. The world is...
  2. What Is most important to you out of the following?
  3. Magic is
  4. Those around me
  5. What house do you want to be in
  6. Which house has the most respect?
  7. What is your greatest strength
  8. My future is
  9. My greatest fear is
  10. Pick which statement appeals to you

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