Pretty Flowers in the Dust Part 3

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"The Midnight Game" is about a demon named "The Midnight Man" that you invite into your home at 12:00am to 3:33am. You have to survive until than. That's the best way I can describe it. So, here are the instructions. Instructions: 1. It must be exactly 12am when you begin the ritual, or else it will not work. Here is what you need; White candles. (I think it means any candles though) Paper and a pencil. A wooden front door. Salt. A pin needle. All the lights MUST be shut off in the house.

Step 1. Everyone who is in the game must write their name on a piece of paper, than use the pin needle to drop a single drop of blood onto the paper. Step 2. Place the paper in front of your front door. Your front door MUST be made of wood. Step 3. Light a candle. Step 4. Knock on your door exactly 22 times. (Note: The 22nd knock must happen at exactly midnight, 12am, or the ritual will not work. Step 5. Open your door, blow out the candle and close it. Relight the candle. You have now summoned the "Midnight Man". (I might have to write some of it in the comments) Step 6. Your goal for the rest of the night is to survive the "Midnight Man." EVERYONE who is playing must walk with their lit candle around the house, avoiding the midnight man at costs, until the clock strikes 3:33am. At which-

Created by: fireprincess1996
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You sat on your bed, thinking about your conversation with her, after you found those newspaper clippings. *Earlier* You walked through the doubles doors, and you met Raven face to face. She looked at you with curious eyes. "Yes, child?" Her tone was the same, with a hint of knowledge. "Do you know anything about her?" You held up the newspaper clippings in front of her face. Raven's face was emotionless, as always. "Why are you so interested in this?" She avoided the question. "I saw her," You said instantly regretting it. "You saw her?" Raven asks seriously. You stayed quiet. You opened your mouth, shut it, than reopened it. "Well, Maybe. Kinda- that's not the point! You avoided the question," You said, crossing your arms. Raven sighs. "I've been to that town a time or two, saw her in the newspaper, and brought it back here. Happy?" Raven turns around and begins writing on papers. She must have been doing that when you walked in. "Sure," You said, turned on your heel, and walked out. There was something in Ravens voice. She wasn't telling the truth. And you were going to find out what the truth was. *Present* You still couldn't figure out why the town was so familiar. It was just so frustrating! To see something familiar, but know nothing about it, or why it's so familiar. You're getting way too worked up about this. 'maybe I just need a nap, see if April comes and tells me what she needs to,' you think sighing deeply. Right when you were all comfy and situated, there was a knock on the door. You let out a annoyed sigh and yell, "Come in!" In strolls {_______}. You get this big goofy grin on your face. Maybe it was worth it. He comes over and lays on the bed with you. "Hey, there. Were you sleeping?" He asks and you shake your head. "No, No. I was about to, though," You reply, wrapping the blankets closer around you. You and {_______} haven't had time alone in days. But it does get crazy around there, so it's understandable. {_______} smile's and says, "Good. Because, I was thinking.. Maybe you and me could go see a movie or something?" Your heartbeat quickened and you sighed. Of course you couldn't, you had to find out what all of this means. "I wish I could but, I can't. I'm trying to figure some stuff out, and I'm really tired-" he cut you off. "I understand. Get some rest, okay? Maybe another time," {_______} sounded a bit hurt but, he covered it up with a smile. With that he got up and walked out without another word.
  2. You sigh, feeling guilty. You threw your head back, hoping to hit it off the pillow but, instead you slammed it off the backboard. The door opened the same time you yelled, "Ow! Ugh!" You turned your gaze to the door, seeing Renee standing there, eyes wide. "What'd you do?" She says, closing the door and walking to you as you hold the back of your head in your hands. A little bump was forming. "Can you get the IB Profin out of my nightstand?" You ask, wincing a bit. You hit your head really hard. You felt sick now. Taking two of the little pills out of the bottle, you put them in your mouth and say, "Can I have a drink of that?" Renee hands you her Dr.Pepper. "Have it all. Are you going to bed? It's like four," She says. You take a drink and try not to gag when the two pills get caught in your throat before going down. "Yeah, I know. I've just been trying to figure stuff out," You say, stretching before carefully laying back down. To be honest, your head felt numb. Your thoughts were fizzy. It was silent for a minute until out of nowhere Renee says, "You know, whatever's happening to you, whatever you're going through, soon it will all make sense." Where did that come from? "What do you mean by that?" You asked, sitting back up. That created a wave of nausea to wash over you. (*Me: Sorry if I spelled it wrong*) You quickly cover your mouth with your hand tightly and start frantically pointing to the trash can across the room. Renee seemed slow to react and gave you a confused look, than looked at the trash can, than back at you. You started snapping your fingers while still pointing. She finally seemed to get it. "Oh!" She yelled while standing up and sprinting to the trash can and back so you can- well. I'm not going to say it. Standing up, you start towards the bathroom, swaying a bit but, making it. After brushing your teeth to get rid of the awful taste, to smooth out your Spongebob Squarepants pajama's and walk out to see Renee staring you down. "What?" You ask, frowning. "I think you should go see Raven about this, you might want to get your head checked out," Renee says, giving you a concerned look. "Okay, sure," You agree because Renee is just as stubborn as you. "Aren't you going to change?" Renee looks you up and down. "Why would I?" You say, heading towards the door and pulling on some Ugg boots. The pain in your head was still there and it was annoying. "Do you want me to walk with you down there?" Renee starts walking over to you but, you protest. "No, no. I'm good. Just, go do what you were going to," You open the door, and shut it but, not before Renee yells, "Be careful!"
  3. Making your way down the hallway, you use the wall for support. Maybe you should have had Renee here to help you. There isn't anyone in the hallway, and the lights are affecting your vision. You went by door after door. The patterns of the floor seemed endless. You see the outline of a little girl skipping in front of you, and as you grow closer you realize that it's April. Suddenly, she stops and you do the same. She looks just the same as before. But, why are you seeing her? You're awake, right? She turned around, her blonde hair loose from it's bow. Her green eyes sad and dull. "Watch your back. There are bigger threats than Janise was. Nothing is what it seems," She says, fading in and out. You try asking her what she meant but, you can't open your mouth. Everytime you try, your lips hurt. With shaking fingers, you bring your hands up to your mouth, running them along your lips. Stitches. Your lips are stitched shut. April presses her fingers to her lips as she once did the first time you saw her. "Don't tell Raven," She whispers, a giggle escaping her lips, as she turns and skips away, humming to herself, still fading in and out. The world starts shaking, the walls start falling apart, as does the ceiling. Your eyes flash open, your in a hospital room. You hear the annoying beeping noise of the heart monitor. 'How did I get here?' You think as a throbbing pain comes from your head. Groaning, you bring your hands up to your head, feeling a bandage around it. Why? Raven walks in with an unfamiliar person beside her. "Where am I?" You question, wanting to get away from here. "The infirmary," The girl beside Raven says. She's wearing a nurses outfit, so you figured she worked here. "You have a concussion," Raven states. "Great, When can I get out of here?" You ask, crossing your arms. "Now, actually. You'll just have to have someone by your side for a couple of days," The nurse said before adding, "Oh, I'm Scarlet by the way but, most people call me Scar for a nickname." "Nice name, hey, how'd I end up here?" You comment, turning to Raven. "Alex, actually. He'll be right back, he went to go get Renee, she's been asking to see you," Raven says, removing a strand of her white hair from her hypnotizing blue eyes. As if on cue, Renee bursts through the door followed by Nakia Jae, Lilah, Syllabell, Zaine (Who's hair was now cut short and died black), Pheonix, Sam, And the guys. They all look at you with wide eyes and start throwing questions at you. "Are you okay?" "How bad is it?" "Your real smart, hitting your head off your bed!" "We thought you were dead!" "You hit your head again when you fell." "I was about to kill someone if they did this to you! I would've beaten their a-" "Alright! Alright! Give her some space your crowding her," Scar said with a smile. But, you couldn't crack a smile. Renee climbed on the bed beside you and whispered in your ear, "You should've let me come with you." You shook your head, starting to feel claustrophobic and you turned your gaze on Scarlet. "Can you take the IV's out?" You asked and turned back to everyone. "I'm fine, and thanks Phoenix, that makes things a lot better, and I bet I did considering it feels a lot worse. I don't know. And I'm sure you were Nakia, Thank you." You say, answering everyone's questions. Well, everyone who got a chance to speak. When Scarlet was done, you stand up, and thankfully you were still in your pajama's. Falling back onto the little cot you were on, you pulled on your Ugg boots, than stood up again. Slipping past everyone you walked out of the room, trying to get your balance. Lilah appeared at your side, steadying you while smiling. "Nice PJ's, babe," She laughed. "I know right," You said, walking past rows of cots, some had people in them. You felt bad for them. You looked back to see everyone following you like lost puppies. 'Do they really have to be like this?' you thought, hearing Alex's voice right away. "Yeah, we do. You could've gone into a coma, or worse, you could've died!" Alex says. "Yeah but, I didn't," You say over your shoulder. "But, you could've," Alex protests. "But, I didn't," You continue. You do this back and forth for a couple more times before Fang snaps, "Guys! Stop, _______ has a point. We're being clingy." You give Alex a satisfied smirk that said "I-Told-You-So."
  4. *Later That Night* It was you, Nakia, Lilah, and Syllabell in your room. Renee had left a while ago, saying she had something to do. You didn't second guess it, because you were focused on other things. "Alex was just worried," Nakia says, continuing your guys' conversation. "We all were," Lilah says. You nod, understanding their concern. "I know but, you guys were like so close. I don't mind a few of you but, like EVERYONE was in there. I don't know, I guess I just got uncomfortable," You say, shrugging. "Yeah, we get that, sis. It's fun, just having a girl talk like we used to," Syllabell says, a small smile on her face. You all nod, thinking of all the nights you guys stayed up, just talking and having fun. "Everything's so different, now. But, I guess, it's better than when Janise was in control, no-one's living in fear anymore," Lilah sighs. You shake your head, remembering what April had told you. 'Watch your back. There are bigger threats than Janise was. Nothing is what it seems.' "There are bigger threats than Janise," You say, suddenly. The three of them look at you, confused. "She told me that, the little girl I mean. Her name's April, her father murdered her," You say, walking over to your nightstand and getting out the newspaper clipping showing them it. "This is the girl you saw?" Lilah frowns as you nod. "What girl?" Nakia asks. You hadn't got to tell Nakia yet, you didn't even want to tell Lilah. "I've been seeing her in my dreams. I saw how she was killed, I don't know why she chose me, and not Lilah," You bite your lip, hoping Nakia wasn't mad. (*Me: Remember Lilah can see ghosts?*) "Damn," Nakia says. There a flash of lightning and thunder soon followed it, making you guys jump. There's a bang coming from your window and the power goes out. "It's probably just the storm," Syllabell tries to reassure you guys. Jumping up, you walk over to your window. You wait a moment before snatching open the curtains. Outside in the darkness was the faint outline of a figure. It looked small. You had to figure out who it was. Turning back to the three girls, they look at you expecting you to say something. "Well?" They say in unison. "There's someone out there. I'm going to see who it is," You say, pulling on the closet things by you, which were your worn out DC's. The other's quickly got their shoes on, telling you not to go. "We don't know who it is," Lilah says. "It could be a trap," Syllabell protests after her sister. You changed earlier, now you were Hello Kitty PJ shorts, and a loose Nirvana shirt. "Or it could be April," You say, running towards the door and out. The other's followed. "Why are you in a hurry?" Nakia called after you, and you simply reply, "Because I don't know how long she's going to stay!" Pushing the down button on the elevator multiple time's it was still taking forever. Nakia was the first to reach you. "Are you sure of what you saw? Scarlet said that hallucination's were a side-affect of your concussion," Nakia said, concern in her voice. You look in her emerald green eyes and shook your head. "I'm not crazy," You say, and add, "Come on! The stairs." You both start running down the stair's, quite fast too, with the twins on your tail. You push past people on the stairway and when you guys reach the bottom you push open the door, pretty hard too because you earn stares. And what's worse, was the guys were down there too. "Okay, this way," You say, taking off again, toward a door that had an exit sign on top of it. "Where are you guys going?!" You could hear one of the guys yell but, you didn't know which. "Just follow _______!" Syllabell yells, obviously not happy that you guys were on a 'goose chase.' You were the first outside, getting pelted by the rain.
  5. You stood there a moment, before yelling, "April! Where are you?" You heard a faint voice against the roaring winds and the freezing rain. You didn't know which direction it was coming from, so by instinct you ran west of where you were standing. It was hard to see, and you were already soaked. A strike of lightning landed somewhere close to you and you could feel the electricity of it still pulsing through the air. You tripped over something, unable to see where you were going. You didn't know where the other's were. The clouds in the sky was blocking the moon, the only light was from the HQ, which was still hard to see. Standing up, you're covered in mud that was washing off, with the rain. "Hello?" You yell, knowing you saw someone out here. You aren't crazy! A small cold hand grabbed yours, and started pulling on it. You felt leave's brush against you, and the rain lightened up, not a lot, but, you could still hear the roaring winds. Your wet hair clung to your skin, as well as your clothes did. Stumbling through the darkness as they guided you, heard the faint sound of a child humming. You tried prying your hand away except whoever was holding it was holding in it a death grip. Maybe you shouldn't have come outside. Maybe- You heard Renee's voice and you were stopped. "She doesn't know yet." There was a pause, and you couldn't hear the other person. "She still has the necklace that she tore off of Janise, yes." Who is she talking too? Why is she talking about Janise and is she talking to you? "No, you know the plan. We're sticking to it. She's my sister, I call the shots." "I have to go, it's getting late. I should have already been with _________." Whoever held your hand started tugging on it hard, and April's small voice whispered, "We have to run." So, you did run. With April leading the way. What was Renee up to? Why was she up to it? If it was bad, you couldn't let her know you were eavesdropping. Running back into the cold pouring rain, April still had your hand. You ran towards the faint light's of HQ and ran into someone. "_______? Where did you go? Why did you run out here? Are you okay?" Max's voice fills your reality. "We have to go inside. Now. Where are the other's?" You say, frantically, looking around for Renee. April was still at your side, only Max didn't seem to notice her. "We're right here," Nakia's annoyed voice rang out, only there was worry in it also. "Renee, she's-" You start but, Alex cuts you off. "Look, ______, are you alright? Whatever you saw, it's all in your mind. Just side affects of the concussion. Now you're going to be sick, so we should get you inside." Obviously they were not happy.
  6. Once you all were inside you cross your arms, facing everyone. "I'm. Not. Crazy," You say, just as annoyed as them. "I know what I saw," You add. "Whatever you think you saw, you can tell us when we're dry and warm," Fang says. "Fine," You scoff, telloporting up to you and Renee's room. (*Me: Again I don't know how to spell it so bear with me*) Just when you had finished changing into normal clothes, Renee walked in. "Hey, sissy," She said, smiling. "Hey," You say, running your brush through your hair. "Yikes, who pee'd in your cereal?" She said, acting like nothing had happened. "I'm just not in the mood right now," You say, remembering Janise's necklace that she used to to make her stronger than you all. Getting an old shoe box that you keep under your bed, you take the lid off and moved all the pictures of you and your real mom and your new friends, until you found the medallion. Renee didn't seem to notice, she was looking at your wet clothes on the ground. "Me and the girls played in the rain," You lied, stuffing the necklace in your pants pocket. Renee however, was dry. Like she hadn't been outside at all. "Alright, well I am going to hang with the guys. Be good," You say, walking out before Renee could even reply. You awkwardly knocked on Lilah & Syllabell's room, and after a couple of moment's the door opens and there stands Syllabell. "I'll tell the other's to meet in here," Lilah said, taking out the phone that Raven provides for us. 'What am I supposed to tell them? That your nine year old little sister is planning something bad that has something to do with me? Well, it's worth a try.' You think, while everyone piles in the room. You stay silent, lost in your thought's until Phoenix says something. "Well! Come on! You said you had something to tell us, so spill!" Looking at everyone you take a deep breath and say, "Okay but, you have to believe me. Okay? I'm not crazy. I know what I saw." They all agreed, not to interrupt until you're done and to listen. "Okay," You say, explaining from when you were in your room and the power went out until you were back in your bedroom getting dressed. "I almost forgot, When I passed out from my concussion earlier, April told me that I should watch my back and that there are bigger problems than Janise was. She said, 'Nothing is what it seems.' Renee's planning something, and it has something to do with me," You say, your face straight. "You said that she wasn't wet when you saw her after. Are you sure it was her?" Sam asks seriously, choosing her words. You nod, "Yes, I would know my sister's voice. She was talking about the necklace. I think she needs it for something." "Okay, so let's say that Renee did need it for something, do you have it with you?" Zaine asks. You nod once again, pulling the necklace with the big stone on it. You could feel it's power seeping out of it, calling for its next victim. "I think you should give that to Raven," Alex says, acting like his usual leader self. You shake your head, looking at him in disbelief. "No, I'm keeping it by my side," You say and Alex frowns. "If you won't give it to Raven than give it to me," He said, trying to snatch it out of your hand but, luckily, you pulled your hand back. "Alex, no. I'm not going to give it to you," You say, shoving it back into your pocket. "Why is it so special to you?" He crosses his arms, raising an eyebrow. You laugh a sarcastically. "It's not special to me. I just don't want Renee to get it," You say, crossing your arms mockingly. "So you don't trust us?" Max asks. You frown shaking your head, "No, no. You guys know I trust you," "Well it seems like you don't, considering by what you just said," Alex says, giving you the smirk you gave him earlier. The "I-Told-You-So" Smirk. "Come on! If you were me, you'd do the same!" You yell, getting frustrated. "No, if I were you, I'd tell myself that it's just the concussion messing with my mind. There is no little girl, ________. I know we're magical and whatnot but, she's dead. & if she had to choose someone to show Renee, why would she choose you? Why not, Raven? Me? Nakia? Lilah?" Alex asks, mocking your tone. "Because," You say, calmly. "I'm the closest one to Renee."
  7. Walking back to your room, you notice Nakia and twins following you. "Hey guys," You say, sighing. "We don't know if you know this already but, we believe you," Nakia says, while the twins nod. "I don't see why Alex doesn't," Lilah says. You shake your head, "I know, it's fine. He'll get over it." Nakia lowered her voice to a whisper, "We have to figure out what's going on." You realize that you're now by your by your door. You nod, walking inside. "Do you guys wanna stay?" You've become closer to Lilah and Nakia most throughout you being here. "Uh yeah!" Syllabell says with a "No-Duh" Expression. Once you're fully in the room you see Renee sitting on her bed, watching Hollywood Heights, munching on Sour Skittles. Trying to act like your normal self you put on a fake pout and whined, "I want someeee! Shareee!" Expanding the letter "e" on "some" & "Share." "Too late, they're all. Gone." Renee smiled mischievously, turning the bag upside down, no Skittle's coming out. You mouth dropped. "Fine, I'll just get my candy from my stash," You go get under your bed, pulling another shoe box out full of Skittles, Gummy Bears, Gummy Worms, Lemon Heads, Gobstoppers, and Crunch chocolate bars. The best part, You got them yesterday so they're still good. Dumping them out of the box on your bed, you sit by them, sorting the candy out. "Candy!" Nakia exclaims, pushing you off the bed and picking up a handful. Crawling over to where she was, which was now the corner where she was guarding her handful of sweets protectively. "Good, Nakia. Pretty, Nakia. Just hand me the candy," You say, cautiously, while the other girls break into fits of giggles. "NEVER!" She growled, it was all I could do not to laugh. "Just- Just give me the candy, and I'll let you have whatever type of candy you desire. All you have to do is get in my van," my throat was tight from holding in my laughter. Suddenly my face got serious, and I swallowed the tightness down. Back when I was in school, I was in plays and theater, and I've been told I was good at it. I also know that Nakia has a fear of spiders. "Nakia, Nakia, there a spider on you," You say, backing away. Nakia smirked, looking at the wall you were about to back into. "Really? Because the only spider I see, is the one on the wall behind you," Nakia smiles, throwing the candy back onto your bed. Turning, there was nothing on the wall. "You lied," You gave Nakia the same mocking smirk she gave you. "No I didn't, you just didn't check the whole wall," Nakia says, keeping her distance from it. Frowning, you searched the whole wall. Still no spider. And they called YOU crazy. "Maybe you should check the ceiling?" Syllabell tries to hide a smile. Checking the whole ceiling. Still. Nothing. "Alright guys, whatever," You say sitting on the bed and going back to sorting the candy. You feel something tickling on your upper arm. "Renee, stop," You say, getting bothered by it. "I didn't touch you!" Renee protested. The weird tickle feeling continued going up your arm. Looking at your arm there was a spider on it. You screamed and brushed it off of you, jumping off your bed. "Kill it!" Nakia screamed doing the same as you. As it traveled across your bed, Renee picked up one of your DC's. "Not my shoes!" You yell but, Renee ignores you slamming it down on the spider getting it's insides on your bed. "Renee!" You whined. "We do have extra blankets," She says, as if you were the child and she was the teen.
  8. "Guys, remember what date it is at 12:00 am?" Syllabell says, a gleam in her eyes. "Prank week," Nakia nods. "What's 'Prank week'?" Renee asks. You had heard some things about it. "It's an annual thing here. A thing to pass time. We team up, Girls against Boys. There's little groups, of friends too, since's there's a lot of people here. Whoever pulls the greatest prank gets the champion name, the greatest prankster of the year," Syllabell explained. "Until the next Prank Week anyways," Lilah smiles. Renee and you had sudden interest in this. "Well, I say we're a team!" You yell. "With of course, Sam and Phoenix!" Nakia agrees. We should start coming up with idea's and looking things up online. "I'll get the online thing, you guys start writing stuff down," You say, making your way to your desk. Opening your black laptop, you go to google and typed in 'The Midnight Game.' You had heard stories about it from other kids who played it. It seemed like a good idea for a prank, so you think you'll look it up, which is what you're doing. Finding the rules for the Midnight Game, you read them over. Defiantly a good prank on the guys. "Hey, guys. Check this out, it's a demon game called, 'The Midnight Game.' We HAVE to prank the boys with it," You say, as they read over the article. "Yay or neigh?" You ask, hoping they'd agree. "YAY!" They screamed in unison. "Okay, so we have to come up with a plan. Li, you write down the rules and while we look up more pranks," You order and Lilah does as you tell her and Nakia laughs. "I think this is going to top everything, We're going to be the champions for sure!" She says, a big smile on her face. "Hey, let's not jinx things, now," Syllabell says, her thick faded green and ginger hair up in its usual High-ponytail. "Syl's got a point, babe," You say, laughing. Once Lilah was done, you all start coming up with a plan. "We can get all of the things by tomorrow. We'll tell them that Renee found it online and wanted to play it, so we went along with it to see if it would really happen or if it's another Urban Legend. If they mention prank week, me and Renee will act like we don't know what it's about and you guys will say that since we don't you weren't going to go through it, and hopefully they'll go through with the plan-," Lilah pipes up, interrupting you. "Yeah, and if we can always be like, 'Why would we prank something like this?' and they'll have to go agree." "So, we'll do it tomorrow. After we buy the things. We'll communicate by phone. Me and ______ will go get the supplies we need, Li and Syl you guys get stalk the boys if they're all together, or if they're split up, one of you find one of them. It doesn't matter if it's Atreyu, Max, Zaine, Alex, or Fang. Hey! That Rhymed! Anyways, Renee you'll just be your usual self but, watch the boys and try to see what they're going to do," Nakia explains the other part of the plan. "So you want me to cheat?" Renee asks. You hadn't thought Renee would have a problem with it but, the Renee lately is unpredictable. "Uh, Duh," Nakia Jae says. "Wait, who's going to take care of Abel?" You ask, suddenly wanting to see the little munchkin. "Awh, hell. I guess I could give Nix a call? It doesn't hurt anyone, She's supposed to come back for a couple weeks anyways," Nakia says shrugging. "I miss her already," She added, pouting. You pat her head, "You'll see her soon, Love," You say. You all had this weird things a lot of best friends do. You'll call each other "Babe," "Sweets," "Love," "Dear," "Darling," Basically any nickname you can think of.
  9. *Next Day* *Third Person* _______ and Nakia Jae got up early to go into town and get the things they needed for their big prank. They got weren't too happy about getting up so early but, a lot was to be done. This had to go exactly right. They had planned out their excuse if anyone asked where they were going so early, it wasn't even dawn yet! Once they were done getting dolled up, they woke up the others. Grumbling as Lilah, her twin Syllabell, and _________ little sister Renee changed and did their hair and make-up as well, even Renee, they knew it was for a good cause. As Nakia and _______ got their money and shoes and everything together, they teloported out and to the closest town, Canton IL. Just as the store was opening, they reached Dollar General. Surely, they had to have some of the stuff they needed. And they did. They split up throughout the tiny store, grabbing salt, lighters, white candles, and needle pins. (*Me: I will post the directions and rules in the two paragraph thing*) Once they were done, they went into the abandoned ally next to it, made sure no-one was around or looking, and teleported back to HQ. ~~~~~ Lilah and Syllabell were in the cafeteria, keeping their eyes on Zaine and Atreyu. The other three boys were nowhere in sight. And neither was Renee. She had chased after them this morning, screaming about wanting more Skittles. Probably a way to find out their pranks they had in store for the group of girls. Even though Renee could not be fully trusted, she acted like she was a good kid. Maybe she still is a good kid. Only time will tell. All of the girls had their minds shielded in case Alex tried reading their minds. Both of the twins got a text from both Nakia Jae and ________ saying they got the supplies. Time for their other part. Walking up to the two boys, Lilah smiled a friendly smile. "Hey guys! What's up?" She asked, acting like her normal self. They both shrug and Atreyu says, "Not much, Nix got here early this morning. She offered to watch Abel for the day." Syllabell's eyes lit up. "Nix is back! Yay! How long is she going to be here?" She asks, not acting at all. She really was excited Nix was back. Atreyu shrugs again, saying that he didn't know. "So, Children, Prank week starts today, how many dirty tricks are you going to try to pull on us?" Zaine says, acting like their father. Both of their faces drop, pouts on them. "We aren't doing anything for prank week, since it's Renee and _______'s first prank week. ________ says it's stupid so we decided if she didn't want to do it this year, than we won't either. Besides, there's always next year," Lilah says, smoothly. So far, so good. "Yeah, instead Renee suggested since we missed her birthday, she wanted us to make up for it," Syllabell says, pausing so that Zaine and Atreyu could talk, and ask their questions. "Us as in all of us?" Zaine asks. Lilah nods. "Yeah, she wants us, as in me, Syl, You as in Atreyu, you as in Zaine, Nakia, Sam, Phoenix, Fang, Alex, Max, and ________, to play a game," Lilah shrugs, as if it were kid stuff. "What kind of game?" Atreyu asks, crossing his muscular but, not too muscular arms. Syllabell shrugs also and says with a false confused voice, "She says it's called 'The Midnight Game.'" ~~~~~ Renee stood close to the door that the three boys, Fang, Max, and Alex were in. The boys were smarter than she had thought. They were planning pranks after pranks to throw on the girls. Especially since Renee and her older sister _______ are new to Prank Week. But, what those boys don't know is that they have the greatest prank ever. And a backup story for it. Not wanting to push her luck and get caught, Renee quickly and quietly ran to the other side of the hallway and began yelling, "Maaxxx! Alleexxx! Faaannggg! I have to talk to youuuu!" The three boys came out of the room and Renee ran towards them. "There you are! I have something to tell you guys!" A big smile was on Renee's face. She planned this out a thousand times in her mind, and she wanted to get it right. "What do ya want you little squirt?" Max ruffled her hair playfully. "Well, since you guys missed my birthday a couple weeks ago, I think you owe me something. Now, I know this weeks prank week but, me and _______ think it's totally stupid and childish and we want no part of it. So, Nakia and the twins agreed that if we don't do it, they won't. So did Phoenix and Sam. I want you guys to be there tonight, we're going to play this game, it's supposed to be really scary. I found it online, its called 'The Midnight Game.' You have to do this like ritual thing and it's going to be really awesome. By the way, do you guys have a wooden door around here?" It had gone great. ~~~~ Around lunch time, the girls met, with Phoenix and Sam this time. Walking up to Sam's room, they talked about the usual random stuff. But, as they got into Sam's room and made sure no-one was around, they explained the whole plan to the two girls and they seemed amused by it. Showing them the instructions and whatnot, the girls began to plan out where it was going to be. Tonight was going to be legendary.
  10. Alright guys! Yes, I made the question things long just for you! I hoped you enjoyed it. I spent all day and night writing it, a couple of half days. I will explain the rules and what the Midnight Game is about in the two paragraph introduction thing, so make sure to read that! Love you guys.

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