
This is a 22 questions PrankVSPrank quiz. So hopefuly you been watching their pranks and the vlogs. And if you are a dopefresh nation this is quiz for all of you.

Are YOU a genius? Do you have the great brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Christopher Brownell
  1. What is the boyfriend's name.
  2. What is the girlfriend name.
  3. What is their first vlog name.
  4. What dancing competition did Jesse won
  5. What is their first cat name
  6. What is their second cat name
  7. What is Jesse favorite dessert
  8. What is Jesse and Jeana favorite store go to.
  9. What dance did Jesse start.
  10. What was Jesse in.
  11. What is Jeana afraid of.
  12. What word did Jesse and Jeana made up.
  13. What does Jesse and Jeana call us
  14. What is their first ever prank.
  15. What year they started pranking on Youtube.
  16. What year did they started vlogging.
  17. What year they got Nylah.
  18. What year they got Bambu.
  19. What does FTW stand for.
  20. Where do Jesse and Jeana live.

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