Popular or Geek

Popular? Kinda? Your cool anyway. I dont have much to say about you. Except that you rule! You rule so very hard! I love you why can't I be you?!?!?! Not I am average...i think...I better take this quiz and find out. Good Bye. www.deathclock.com go to it

Nerds geeks dweebs dwerks. Or average person. There is no hope for those of you who are geeks. average people you got a chance. I'm popular...I think....i'd better not be a geek and take this awsome quiz and find out. Good Bye www.deathclock.com go to it

Created by: Peppy
  1. What do you do between classes?
  2. Can you take a pencil and balance it on your nose?
  3. A talent show is coming up what do you do?
  4. Long or short hair?
  5. Cats or Dogs?
  6. Correct the following sentance: I doesn't got no pencils
  7. A test is coming up what do you do?
  8. What is pinging?
  9. Someone new comes and says "whats up?" what do you do?
  10. Are you even popular?

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