Owl house would you rather

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Hi everyone! this is an owl house would you rather quiz. I'm only human! I hope you like this, and check out my owl house fanfics and my ¨have you ever thought this quiz¨

I hope you like the owl house cause if not there's something wrong with you (unless you haven't watched season 2 then I understand what you mean) ok, enjoy the quiz! : )

Created by: Im only human
  1. would you rather have hunter as your boyfriend or amity as your girlfriend?
  2. would you rather have bleos as your uncle or odalia as your mom?
  3. would you rather take multiple tracks, or just one?
  4. would you rather go to hexide, glandus, or st. epiderm?
  5. would you rather the owl house have stuck with the beta version or what it is?
  6. would you rather be eda or raine?
  7. would you rather have a bile sack or have to use glyphs?
  8. would you rather be a human in the demon realm or a witch in the human realm?
  9. would you rather be hunter or gus?
  10. would you rather fight odalia, the collector, or emperor belos?
  11. would you rather raeda be canon or lumity be canon?
  12. would you rather have gus as your BFF, luz as your BFF, amity as your BFF, or willow as your BFF?

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