Ocean Gate Excel Test

We are taking our first real test. I hope you guys studied hard. If you did you should all get 100%. If not I hope you study harder next time we have a test

Good luck. I hope you all pass this really hard test I have created for you. In just a minute we will find out how hard you stuidied. Read the questions slowly.

Created by: Mr. Rob

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Excel is most like a ______?
  2. What is Excel?
  3. Excel lets you add numbers?
  4. What is a template?
  5. What programs allow me to use a template?
  6. In order to open a template in Excel I have to click on the Office Button and then I click Open?
  7. An active cell is the cell that is highlighted?
  8. In order to get a total I click on what?
  9. An Excel spreadsheet is made up of what?
  10. Excel on allows me to create BAR graphs?

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