NEW!! Nail Polish Picker!!

I can never decide what color to paint my nails. I need a quick and easy way to decide on a color without too much thought. Here is an easy way to do that.

I can never decide what color to paint my nails. I need a quick and easy way to decide on a color without too much thought. Here is an easy way to do that. Blah Blah

Created by: Danielle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is your favorite Disney Princess?
  2. What kind of animal would you be?
  3. What animal would you like as a pet?
  4. Favorite beverage
  5. Best kind of restaurant for a first date
  6. Best Leading Man
  7. Best Movie Genre
  8. Favorite thing to eat
  9. How does your hair normally look?
  10. What is your idea hairstyle?
  11. Your daily attire
  12. Best supernatural being
  13. What kind of earrings do you wear?
  14. Best Movie
  15. Worst Chore Ever
  16. Best Craft
  17. What kind of shoes do you like?
  18. Favorite Hobby

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