My Last Quiz!!! Shoutout

I am leaving GTQ for a few months due to the lack of my school Chromebook. Here is a shoutout quiz as my last quiz! Thanks! :):):):):):):):)1234567890

I am leaving GTQ for a few months due to the lack of my school Chromebook. Here is a shoutout quiz as my last quiz! 1234567898765434567898765456545656

Created by: Million_Dreams
  1. Hello!
  2. SOOOO... I am leaving GTQ for a while because I have to turn in my school Chromebook for the summer, and I do not have any personal electronics that can do GTQ.
  3. First, I am going to do some SHOUTOUTS!
  4. TREM!!! You are my best friend here!
  5. Second... CINNA! You are the first one I talked to and have been so supportive and a great friend!
  6. Third... DERECHO!!!
  7. Next... BRYCEN!!!
  8. Also... JUNE!!!
  9. There are so many others... so give yourself a shoutout!
  10. Ok so next...
  11. I love GTQ and its forums!
  12. I have made so many friends!
  13. Thank you all!

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