Mr. Unicorn's Quiz of Wonder

Some questions in life are hard to answer. Are you truly gifted? Do you have Unicorn magic? Do I really have to write a bunch of paragraphs like this before I can finish making this quiz? Find out all of this and more, HERE!

I will fill this space with a story: Once upon a time was a girl making a quiz who had to finish by writing some paragraphs and so she did, and here it is, and oh my geez.

Created by: Mr. Unicorn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Has Mr. Unicorn ever visited you?
  2. When will the world end?
  3. To eat, or to not eat the talking pie?
  4. What's your favourite food?
  5. How do you spell smart?
  6. Finish this song: Barney is a dinosaur...
  7. I want to ride my bicycle. Do you;
  8. Do you;
  9. When is violence the answer?
  10. What is the answer to this question: 1 + 1 =
  11. Which is better:
  12. What do you do if you see techno-phsycotic rays?
  13. Last Question: How do you say Paris Hilton?

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