MLP Quiz: How big of a fan are you?

Some people are true friends. Some of those people are super MLP fans. What is a super MLP fan? It is a fan that knows practically everything about My Little Pony and has learned some valuable lessons about friendship.

Are YOU a true friend? Do you have the knowledge of a super MLP fan to be one? Take this short quiz (there's only ten questions) and you'll find out! YOUR GOAL IS TO BE ONE!!!

Created by: Ainiti
  1. What did Princess Celestia use to banish Nightmare Moon?
  2. What is this song's name? "A tiny glass of water, please. A fresh pressed hankie if I sneeze."
  3. Who is Shining Armor related to?
  4. Did the mane six get their cutie marks at the same time?
  5. What was the band that was battling the Rainbooms' name?
  6. How did Twilight Sparkle become an alicorn?
  7. Does the Cutie Mark Crusaders get their cutie marks in season four?
  8. What is the song that the Cutie Mark Crusaders sang when they were chasing Diamond Tiara's name?
  9. What does Sweetie Belle's cutie mark look like?
  10. When is/was the fourth MLP movie coming out?

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Quiz topic: MLP Quiz: How big of a fan am I?