Minikewe relatives

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In this quiz, you will be answering some yes, no and maybe questions about minikewe. You get points for saying yes to the questions and you lose points when you say no to a question an dif you say maybe then you dont get any points.

at the end of the quiz it will show you your results and it is based off of 0% to 100% so if you get 100% then you have got the highest score!! have fun!! :D

Created by: Danielle
  1. Is minikewe connected to us and our life?
  2. Does Minikewe build relationships with people?
  3. Is minikewe a natural plant relative?
  4. Does the natural minikewe's come from these lands?
  5. Does minikewe have a story behind it?
  6. Does minikewe connect to Nokomis?
  7. Should people start eating more minikewe's?
  8. Do you think minikewe is connected to the world?
  9. are minikewe's yummy!!!???
  10. Will you go eat some minikewe's?!

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