Minecraft or Roblox?

This quiz will tell you which game you should play. These results are not 100 percent true, as the game you want to play is based on your opinion. Tell me in the comments if you get Minecraft or Roblox

I hope you liked this quiz!Disclaimer: Do not feel as if you need to download these games. The games cost money, one to download, and one for in app purchasing so do not feel obliged to spend your money. :)

Created by: KitKat
  1. Are you a creative person?
  2. What is better, games or mini games?
  3. Do you like fighting games?
  4. Do you like to build or create things?
  5. How much free time do you have to play video games?
  6. What sounds more fun?
  7. What would you dream avatar be like?
  8. Which weapon is the best?
  9. What genre game do you like?
  10. Lastly, which game do you think you would enjoy the most?

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